Unione Pescatori del Trentino



Art. 1

Trentino Fishermen’s Union is a no-profit association founded among different associations of amateur fishermen, hereinafter referred as Union.
In respect of the managerial and financial autonomy and of the agreement of concessions of the specific associations, the Union has the following objectives:

  1. protection and restoration of aquatic environments of Trentino;
  2. preservation of the renewal of fish resources and their sustainable use;
  3. promotion of amateur fishing as an activity of environmental and social interest to the community;
  4. diffusion of knowledge about the fish fauna and its environment, in order to inform shareholders, guests and public opinion, including through publishing activities;
  5. constant communication with the political and administrative bodies responsible for governance of surface water, exploitation of water resources, environmental protection, fisheries and fisheries management;
  6. to claim the role of the Fishermen's Association in the management of public fish resource;
  7. the promotion of the overall image of the Fishermen's Association and their qualifying assets; i;
  8. the management - under certain economical criteria - of services of common interest, such as legal, fiscal and technical consultancy.

Art. 2

The Associations that can take part of the Union are all those local Associations of fishermen which have licensed fishing rights in the waters of the Trentino region and that are not part of any other supra-provincial association or federation.
Membership lasts one year and is optional, as well as the withdrawal, both to be notified in written form to the President of the Union.
The membership of the Associations, which have all equal rights and duties, is subject to the payment of the fee established annually by the Assembly of the Union, in direct proportion to the number of registered members. The member Associations must participate actively in community life; their membership will decay in case they will not pay the established fees. The membership fee is not transferable, nor re-valued.

Art. 3

The location of the Union is set temporarily at the headquarters of the Association of Amateurs Fishermen of Vallagarina, Via Vicenza n.19, Rovereto, and can be transferred by decision of the Coordination Group.

Art. 4

The bodies of the Union are the Assembly, the Coordination Group, the President, the Board of Auditors and the Board of Arbitrators..

Art. 5

The Assembly is sovereign and is composed of the presidents of the member Associations and / or their delegates, to the proportion of one representative for every 200 members plus one whether the rest is more than 100 members; each of the organizations with less than 200 members are still entitled to a representative. For the purposes of defining the number of representatives in the Assembly it is attested the number of members registered in their own Associations at the close of the fiscal year. Representatives are elected annually by the Executive Boards of the member Associations of the Union.
The Assembly is convened by the President and normally meets once a year or at the request of at least a quarter of the member Associations. At the first convocation the Assembly is valid and it is effective when half plus one of its component are present, in person or by proxy. At the second convocation the Assembly is valid and it is effective regardless of the number of those present, in person or by proxy.
For the eventual dissolution of the Union and for amendments of the Statute it is required the convocation of an extraordinary meeting which is regularly constituted and it is effective with at least two-thirds of those eligible.
It is duty of the Assembly to give all the general indications on the activities of the Union.
It is also duty of the Assembly to elect the Coordination Group, the Board of Auditors and the Board of Arbitrators.
Another duty of the Assembly is to establish the annual amount per capita to be paid by each Association to provide for the expenses of the Union and approve the economic and financial costs. The convocation of the Assembly and its agenda, the resolutions and the economic and financial report will be published on the social register, at the headquarters of the Union and will be communicated in written form to the member associations.

Art. 6

The Union Coordination Group consists of seven members, elected by the Assembly also outside its group among members. At least one member must be the proponent of the associations that have only one representative in the Assembly. The Coordination Group elects its President and a possible Vice. The Coordination Group may avail itself of external collaborators.

Art. 7

The President represents the Union and directs the operation. It is duty of the Coordination Group to approve the activities of the Union on the basis of the objectives of the Statute and of the general guidelines established by the Assembly. The Coordination Group is annually in charge of prepare the economic and financial cost. For every meeting of the Coordination Group a report is written and sent to the member associations.

Art. 8

The Board of Auditors consists of three members. Their duty is to control the financial administration of the Union. The Auditors may attend the meetings of the Coordination Group but are not entitled to vote. The Board of Arbitrators consists of three members and it is entitled to settle, with incontestable discretion, any dispute relating to the content of the Statute.

Art. 9

The elected bodies of the Union remain in office for four years. The elected offices are free and renewable.
For the election of the Coordination Group applications must be submitted at least 15 days prior to the elective Assembly to the outgoing Coordination Group. Each member of the Assembly is freely eligible and entitled to vote. Each voter can express for the election of the Coordination Group up to seven preferences by voting only once each candidate. All things being equal preference is the candidate most senior.
The candidates who represent the Associations in the Coordinating Group with only one representative in the Assembly shall be explicitly stated. If among the first six elected there is no candidate to represent these associations, the seventh seat is reserved for the first of the elected among them.
The elective Assembly chooses, in addition to the Coordination Group, also the Board of Auditors and the Board of Arbitrators. The eventual application must be received at least fifteen days prior to the date of the elective Assembly to the Coordination Group.

Art. 10

The operating deficits that may emerge in the final balance are written off within the next fiscal year with the payment of an additional quota by the member Associations, in direct proportion to the number of members of the respective Associations.

Art. 11

The Union cannot in any way proceed during its life to the distribution of profits or operating surpluses, as well as funds both directly and indirectly; in case of dissolution for any reason, the net capital of the Union will be devolved to another association with similar purposes, unless otherwise law regulation

Art. 12

The laws of the Civil Code that regulate the operation of non-profit Associations shall be the guide on all matters not provided herein.